St pete florida gay pride parade

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Many Pride organizations have shifted their strategy during the pandemic, such as St. More: Project PRIDE unveils ‘PrideWalk’ downtown Sarasota art installation Ticket Newsletter: Sign up to receive the latest news on things to do, restaurants and more every Friday It will also feature the debut of a Pride pet parade, along with events including a Bradenton Marauders Pride Night and One Love Art Show. This year’s festivities include the return of the downtown Sarasota car parade as well as Taste of Pride, where local LGBTQ-friendly restaurants and businesses offer specials such as discounts or rainbow items. For its second celebration of Pride Month in June, the group plans to expand its offerings, while remaining conscious of the pandemic. Since launching last year, Sarasota LGBTQ organization Project Pride SRQ has made a name for itself with events like a Pride car parade and unveiling a PrideWalk street mural in downtown Sarasota.

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